miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Program distributed!!!

Today we made a great advance in our program. Although it has been a long time since we last got together to work in the program it seems like it was yesterday when we finished the first part of the project because we remembered everything perfectly and we knew how to approach the distributed issue.

Our program already works in different computers, it already obtain the database from a server in another computer and uses it to work in a local way. We plan for tomorrow to program the part where the client sends the changes that he made to the database so the server can be actualized all the time.

We don’t consider the distribution issue to be really a problem because we already had all the different methods that are used to manipulate the database and we think that we can end the project before the upcoming weekend.

After this weekend we will be focusing on the video that we have to deliver before the date of the final revision, we already have the photos that we will use and some ideas we think are funny and interesting to promote and show how we developed our program.

Why did we choose the GNU public license v3?

We are really sorry because we did not tell you which license our project would have since the beginning. In this comment we are going to tell you which license did we choose and why did we choose it.

First of all: we chose GNU public license v3!

We did this for these reasons:

1. This license like all the GNU licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users.

2. Using the GNU GPL will require that all the released improved versions be free software.

3. You can certainly get credit for the work. Part of releasing a program under the GPL is writing a copyright notice in your own name.

Those are some reasons of why we chose this license and we thing it is the best for our project to be available for other people and to be useful in the future for student of this programming language named Clojure. In the last three months we have become lovers of the open source movement, we think that it is the only way to grow for the software industry in a really fast way.