miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

One step from victory!!

Today we almost finished the window. We are really happy because we think that the user interface is really useful for the user. The buttons create and find are already with the correct function. In the image we can see that the interface has in the top four buttons, if the user wants to use them he has to push them and in the bottom of the window it is going to appear the fields that have to be filled out and then push again the button to refresh the table that is in the center.
The only button that is missing is the one that returns the table to the original state that is with all the records in the database. We think that this button is necessary because sometimes the user will want to see again all the recods and it is not that obvious that he has to make a find with no fields filled out.
We think that we are going to be finished with the first iteration today and that is why we are really really happy. We did not think that we would finish on time.

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

DBMain ready!

During today’s programming we had the opportunity to finish all the required methods needed for the class DBMain in a correct form. The only remaining methods are those involved in the concurrent access to the database but ne are not going to deal with them until next iteration. One of us was in charge of the method create (method in charge of adding one new record to the database and the other one was in charge of the find method (method in charge of searching through the database looking for a match in any of the fields of the criteria sent to that method).

Now we are going to start working in the user interface, we are planning to have a tool box in the top of the window in order to make the interface easy to use. We are going to read another part of the Java API this time is going to be the Swing library in order to implement the user interface.

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

A little bit behind

Today when we were programming we got really stocked because we do not get used to program with Clojure nevertheless we could gain some achievements like writing some needed methods. We had to investigate and read the different APIs from Java and Clojure looking for a method that could help us in the tasks wanted for this day.

In the beginning we had to ask for help because we did not know how to edit the data base and we got to the conclusion that we had to use a method called Random to have access to a specific place and edit the record wanted or the flag that was needed.

We are really used to work as a team because we are always together in all the jobs that have to be done in teams that it is why we are really optimistic that the things are going to be really for the due date.

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010


Durante este fin de semana largo lo que se hizo fue tratar de avanzar el proyecto ya que la fecha de entrega cada vez está más cercana sin embargo, nos encontramos un poco atorados con el uso de Clojure ya que todavía no estamos tan identificados con el lenguaje.

estamos pensando en cómo avanzar lo más que se pueda durante este fin e ir escribiendo las dudas que tengamos para que regresando del puente a primera hora podamos ir con el profe para que nos oriente un poco.

ahorita empezaremos con la interfaz del usuario así como con el programa cliente aunque los pasos detallados todavía no los tenemos claros.

estamos leyendo una y otra vez las diferentes herramientas del api de Clojure y Java para saber mas o menos por donde podemos atacar este proyecto y avanzar de forma rápida.