lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

We did it!!!!!!!

We are really really hapy we want to jump all over the pecera because finally we were able to make the jar and our video is a total success.

We have already showed our video to many people and all of them tell us that it is really funny and that they think that we had fun developing our project. We are really looking forward to see the reaction of Ariel because we think that in the end we got all the goals done.

We are now testing the jar distributed but we do not know what the problem is because an error occurred while trying to connect to the server. We are now really happy because finally the semester is over and all our grades are really good.

Talking about the video we thought Martha would be angry after the little joke that we played on her but she reacted really cool and she told us that our video is great. We have not seen any other videos but we think that our video is one of the greatest.

About the grade I have only one request to the professor: please please please give me two final extra points!!!!!! I need them to have an average of 95 in the semester.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

The video is a 37.7% done!

Today was a really good day because we were able to finish some things taking about programming activities and on the other hand we were able to start filming the video of the development of our project. The idea is to make an infomercial selling our project, we are going to start talking about the programming practices that we used during the development and then we are going to explain all the functionalities of our project.

We really want to thank our friend Nadia who is helping us to make this video. She is like the producer and she is the one who suggested the original idea. We had to plan the timing of the video because at first we did not know what would we say during all the time but in the end, really funny ideas came to our minds and we think it is going to be the funniest video done in the class.

We think that this video is going to be done tomorrow. We are going to finish all the filming and our friends is going to help us to edit all the scenes in order to obtain the desired result. More and more funny things are going to be added to the video tomorrow morning.

Working more than expected!!!

We have been having a lot of problems with the distributed part of our project! We thought that it would be easier to just add some methods and classes so that the distribution can be done with no problems but working with sockets and passing information between the different modules that are server and client became an issue to be solved.

Fortunately I think we made a breakthrough today because I think that we obtain the results that we wanted and we achieved the correct communication and the correct passing of information between the server and client and vice versa.

There are still some things to check and other things to try like communication in different computers but we are optimistic that we will complete the program within the time that has been given to us.

We have been working more than we thought we would need to finish the problem but as I said at the beginning the problems began to arise and we didn’t knew why those problems were happening. One time we stay almost 3 hours trying to solve a problem and we later saw that the problem wasn’t the program, instead the problem was my computer and after I reboot my computer the program worked perfectly!

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Since the last post i have been thinking that i should write this on the blog: the brand new Centro Estudiantil (antes aulas III) is a perfect night club! During the weekend we had the opportunity to be late at that place and it is perfect for a party with some drinks and with a dj it would be awesome! Maybe we came to this conclusion because we were a little bit tired of being all day at school.

Talking about the project, we are still working with distributed issue. We do not know what is the problem the socket or the buffer o our lap tops. In this moment I have taken a pause with the project because we are working with other projects that are due before but it is scheduled that we are going to continue working on this project Thursday all day long and from that day on we will not stop only this project is done.

We think that it should not be that difficult but I think that we are not thinking outside the box and we have not noticed our mistakes. On Thursday we are also going to make the video about this project. Wait for the link on youtube soon.

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Programming during the weekend!!!!

During the weekend Gus and I had the opportunity to program in the school but it was really funny because it was the first of May and the school was alone, we were the only crazy people working at the school. Talking about the project we are a little bit stacked with the outputs and inputs we do not know why the PrintWriter do not print what it is intended to write. We are going to go with Ariel for some help because we cannot go any further without this issue. On the other hand we think that solving this problem will be really really useful because it will put us a step behind from victory.

Today we are going to work all day trying to solve this thing, this issue has to be solved today because the due date is tomorrow and we are really worried about this date because it is not the only thing that we have to deliver tomorrow, a bunch of things are due for tomorrow. Nevertheless we think that the last meeting was really productive because we were able to send letters in order that the server know what it has to do when a petitions is done.