martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Since the last post i have been thinking that i should write this on the blog: the brand new Centro Estudiantil (antes aulas III) is a perfect night club! During the weekend we had the opportunity to be late at that place and it is perfect for a party with some drinks and with a dj it would be awesome! Maybe we came to this conclusion because we were a little bit tired of being all day at school.

Talking about the project, we are still working with distributed issue. We do not know what is the problem the socket or the buffer o our lap tops. In this moment I have taken a pause with the project because we are working with other projects that are due before but it is scheduled that we are going to continue working on this project Thursday all day long and from that day on we will not stop only this project is done.

We think that it should not be that difficult but I think that we are not thinking outside the box and we have not noticed our mistakes. On Thursday we are also going to make the video about this project. Wait for the link on youtube soon.

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